Home Store Age of Sigmar Grand Alliance Destruction Home Store Age of Sigmar Grand Alliance Destruction Grand Alliance Destruction ShowHide filters Sons of Behemat (3) Gloomspite Gitz (21) Orruk Warclans (26) Ogor Mawtribes (8) Game Role Artillery (1) Battleline (9) Behemoth (6) Hero (1) Leader (19) Unit (7) Type / Keyword Artillery (1) Cavalry (5) Character (2) Chariots (1) Dice (5) Faction Starter (3) Hero (7) Infantry (18) Monster (6) Rules (3) Scenery (1) Scenics (1) War Machine (2) Wizard (1) Kragnos the End of Empires £93.50 Was £110.00 King Brodd £114.75 Was £135.00 Sons of Behemat Dice £20.40 Was £24.00 Loonboss on Giant Cave Squig £22.10 Was £26.00 Gloomspite Gitz Stabbas £23.80 Was £28.00 Squig Herd £28.90 Was £34.00 Squig Hoppers £31.45 Was £37.00 Mangler Squigs £48.45 Was £57.00 Rockgut Troggoths £34.00 Was £40.00 Dankhold Troggoth £40.40 Was £47.50 Squigboss with Gnasha-Squig £17.45 Was £20.50 Snarlfang Riders £34.00 Was £40.00 Gloomspite Gitz Dice £21.25 Was £25.00 Rabble-Rowza £18.30 Was £21.50 Grotmas Gitz £21.25 Was £25.00 1 2 3 4 }