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Warcry: Pyregheists

Warcry Warbands

For those who attempted to preserve the souls of the dead with sacred fires and blessed unguents, Nagash devised a… Read More

Availability: 5 Available for back order
£36.00 Was £40.00
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For those who attempted to preserve the souls of the dead with sacred fires and blessed unguents, Nagash devised a cruel punishment: an afterlife as Pyregheists consumed by eternal balefire. They now seek to torment those who try to deny the Grand Necromancer his due, keeping the braziers of Nagashizzar alight with mortal flesh and soul-matter. This standalone warband of eight multipart plastic miniatures – previously only available in the Pyre and Flood box set – immolates their surroundings and foes with roaring balefire, and comes with the fighter cards and ability card you need to set fire to all who oppose Nagash.


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