Home Store Paints Citadel Paints Home Store Paints Citadel Paints Citadel Paint Range ShowHide filters Citadel Sprays (12) Citadel Air (47) Citadel Base (57) Citadel Contrast (61) Citadel Dry (24) Citadel Layer (93) Citadel Shade (19) Citadel Technical (21) Colour Black (9) Blue (42) Bone (10) Brass (5) Bronze (3) Brown (46) Clear (4) Copper (2) Flesh (24) Gloss (4) Gold (9) Green (60) Grey (32) Lilac (1) Metallic (28) Orange (10) Pink (7) Purple (18) Red (24) Silver (9) Thinner (1) Turquoise (3) White (8) Yellow (15) Citadel Sprays For undercoating and priming your models. Citadel Air Air paints are specially formulated to use with your airbrush. Citadel Base Base paints have high pigment density for a great foundation. Citadel Contrast Base, shade and highlight in one coat with Contrast paints. Citadel Dry Highlight raised areas in no time using Dry paints. Citadel Layer Layer paints are formulated for layer painting and crisp highlights. Citadel Shade Draw out details with depth and shadow with Shades. Citadel Technical Discover the range of Technical Paints and how you can use them to create eye-catching effects. Chaos Black Spray £11.70 Was £13.00 White Scar Spray £13.50 Was £15.00 Death Guard Spray £13.50 Was £15.00 Grey Seer Spray £13.50 Was £15.00 Leadbelcher Spray £13.50 Was £15.00 Macragge Blue Spray £13.50 Was £15.00 Mechanicus Standard Grey Spray £13.50 Was £15.00 Mephiston Red Spray £13.50 Was £15.00 Retributor Armour Spray £19.35 Was £21.50 Wraithbone Spray £13.50 Was £15.00 Zandri Dust Spray £13.50 Was £15.00 Munitorium Varnish £13.50 Was £15.00 Air: White Scar £4.30 Was £4.75 Air: Ulthuan Grey £4.30 Was £4.75 Air: Phalanx Yellow £4.30 Was £4.75 1 2 3 … 23 }