Home Store Middle-Earth Strategy Battle Game Forces of Evil Home Store Middle-Earth Strategy Battle Game Forces of Evil Forces of Evil ShowHide filters Game Role Hero (6) Infantry (2) Monster (2) Unit (5) Type / Keyword Cavalry (1) Hero (1) Infantry (4) Monster (4) Wizard (1) Winged Nazgul £37.40 Was £44.00 Isengard Battlehost £48.45 Was £57.00 Mordor Battlehost £48.45 Was £57.00 The Balrog £37.40 Was £44.00 War Mumak of Harad £62.90 Was £74.00 Mordor Troll/Isengard Troll £26.80 Was £31.50 Saruman the White and Grima £23.80 Was £28.00 Easterling Warriors £26.80 Was £31.50 Warg Riders £23.80 Was £28.00 Uruk-Hai Warriors £23.80 Was £31.50 Mordor Orcs £26.80 Was £31.50 Morannon Orcs £26.80 Was £31.50 The Witch-King of Angmar £19.55 Was £23.00 Middle-Earth SBG: Hill Tribesmen £26.80 Was £31.50 Wulf Lord of the Hill Tribes and General Targg £26.80 Was £31.50 }