Home Store Middle-Earth Strategy Battle Game Home Store Middle-Earth Strategy Battle Game Middle-Earth Strategy Battle Game ShowHide filters Active filters:- Hero Get Started (9) Forces of Evil (15) Forces of Good (16) Scenics (7) Game Role Cavalry (1) Hero (17) Infantry (3) Monster (2) Unit (8) Type / Keyword Board Game (1) Cavalry (5) Hero (2) Infantry (12) Monster (5) Rules (5) Scenics (7) Starter (1) Wizard (3) Winged Nazgul £37.40 Was £44.00 Isengard Battlehost £48.45 Was £57.00 Mordor Battlehost £48.45 Was £57.00 Mordor Troll/Isengard Troll £26.80 Was £31.50 Saruman the White and Grima £23.80 Was £28.00 The Witch-King of Angmar £19.55 Was £23.00 Fellowship of the Ring £31.45 Was £37.00 Treebeard Mighty Ent £47.25 Was £52.50 Elrond Master of Rivendell £26.80 Was £31.50 Minas Tirith Battlehost £48.45 Was £57.00 Rohan Battlehost £48.45 Was £57.00 Gandalf the White and Peregrin Took £23.80 Was £28.00 Thorin Oakenshield and Company £31.45 Was £37.00 The Three Hunters £23.80 Was £28.00 Eowyn and Merry £23.80 Was £28.00 1 2 }