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Termite Assault Drills

Solar Auxilia

Besieging fortifications was long the preserve of bombers and long-range siege weaponry, but the invention of the Termite Assault Drill… Read More

Availability: 3 in Stock
£28.35 Was £31.50
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Besieging fortifications was long the preserve of bombers and long-range siege weaponry, but the invention of the Termite Assault Drill allowed the Legiones Astartes to deploy their shock troopers into the heart of opposing fortresses from beneath the ground, their subterranean trajectory protecting them from interception. These transports continued to be used during the Horus Heresy, as Loyalist and Traitor alike used them to assault otherwise impregnable fortifications. 

This box contains eight Termite Assault drills, and a Legiones Astartes Vehicle transfer sheet that contains 1130 transfers.


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