Home Store Age of Sigmar Grand Alliance Destruction Gloomspite Gitz Home Store Age of Sigmar Grand Alliance Destruction Gloomspite Gitz Gloomspite Gitz ShowHide filters Active filters:- Leader Game Role Battleline (4) Behemoth (2) Leader (6) Unit (5) Type / Keyword Cavalry (3) Character (2) Chariots (1) Dice (2) Faction Starter (1) Hero (4) Infantry (5) Monster (3) Rules (1) War Machine (2) Loonboss on Giant Cave Squig £22.10 Was £26.00 Mangler Squigs £48.45 Was £57.00 Dankhold Troggoth £40.40 Was £47.50 Squigboss with Gnasha-Squig £17.45 Was £20.50 Rabble-Rowza £18.30 Was £21.50 Trugg the Troggoth King £53.80 Was £63.25 }